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EVMs Cannot Be Hacked Or Tampered With: 5-Fact Explanation

Can the EVM machines used for Indian elections be hacked/tampered?

The whole process of voting through EVM has so many checks and balances that the chances of manipulating machine and influencing outcome is ZERO. If a machine is tampered at any stage of the election it would be known at the time of polling or counting very easily.

Before I go into the technicalities, let me first take you through the some basic facts about EVM.

How?! The how is that the EVM’s malfunction? How come a team of engineers from abroad (Hari Prasad, Rop Gonggrijp, and J. Alex Halderman.) showed that EVM can be tampered? Why the Hon’ble Delhi High Court did almost agreed that EVM is not free from tampering, and asked the govt and Election commissioner of India to examine using the paper trails (VVPAT)?

Let’s start from the basics. This post is for the voters! So, you might have voted in the EVM at least once by now.

You must have pressed the blue button in the rectangular box. This is called the ‘BALLOT UNIT. This has nothing inside, except a simple power circuit, that makes the LED glow, when the button is pressed. That vote that you have given by pressing the button is NOT stored here, but in another unit, with the presiding officer, called as CONTROL UNIT.

The control unit has memory (Chip) that stores the vote for each candidate. This just stores the votes polled under each candidate. Later, when the ‘Result’ button is pressed, it displays the result in a basic LED screen. That’s all! It’s a very simple mechanism.

Now, few engineers and scientist have proved that, we can alter the memory stored in the chip or by-pass it, using another small hardware, attached to the internal wiring appropriately.

Technically, what they say is correct. Yes, it is possible to attach hardware and change the results. However, it’s not possible to use a software or use wireless or internet to tamper the machine! Because, the chip inside can’t interact in any manner, except when a wire is attached to that.

But, one may say that, tampering thru hardware is enough to show that EVMs are not secure. But, hold on! This tampering using hardware can be done ONLY in the lab! Not in practice! It’s important to note that, not even in one place there has been an evidence of tampering thru hardware.

BTW, why do I say that hardware tampering is IMPOSSIBLE?

The reason is simple, and at the same time elaborates! It’s a simple process by which the ECI ensures NOBODY get access to the EVM, once it’s PREPARED for the voting.

What are these steps?

It has 5 major steps:

1. EVMs are cleared of the past memory, and randomly allotted to the constituencies. In this step, all the EVMs available with the collector are brought to one place. There are then randomly assigned to the constituencies. The ballot unit and control unit are also exchanged. The whole process is done before the representatives from the political parties. They are free to question or stop the process if they have any doubt.

2. In this stage, the EVMs allotted to a particular constituency are SET for the candidates. Meaning, after the final list of candidates are known, then the name slips are entered in the ballot unit, and accordingly the control unit is set for exact number of candidates. This is a crucial step. So, each unit is set, in front of the candidate or his representatives.

3. Now, the EVMs, which are already set, are again randomized. Meaning, nobody will know which EVM will go to which polling booth. Now the control units are sealed. Meaning, nobody can have access to control unit now. The seal is signed by officers.

4. The EVMs are handed over to the set of officers who will conduct the election in particular booth. They check the EVM and see if it’s working properly. They check all the buttons. This also happens before the candidate or representative.

5. The final check is done in the morning on the poll, when the EVM is operated before the agents. They call it a mock poll. The mock poll shows the vote every candidate gets. Each candidate is given mock votes, as many as the agent wants. Then the result is shown to the agents, so that they are convinced the votes are reflected properly.

Only after these 5 steps the voting is done. All these stages are video graphed and done in transparent manner. It’s very clear that, there is no possibility of anybody inserting any hardware in the EVM! Because the EVM is under watch and ward for 24x7.

And once the voting is done, the sealing of the unit is done before the polling agents, and then stored in a closed room, guarded 24x7. When the counting starts, the agents come and see if the seal that have put and signed is intact or not!

Thus, there is absolutely no merit in anybody saying that EVMs, used in the elections can be tampered. Coming to the order of the Hon’ble High Court on EVMs, the Hon’ble HC never said that, that the EVMs have been tampered. It only suggested that it’s better to have VVPT, to keep he doubts at bay.

So, let’s trust the EVMs, and use them. Going back to paper voting, in a country like India, will lead to bogus voting (1000 ballots papers can be dumped in ballot box in 2 minutes) and booth capturing, as it used to happen earlier.

About the author:

Hi! I’m Thakur S P Parmar a Software Engineer with extensive experience and Management skills. I have kept a keen interest in Politics, Social Works and enjoy reading, writing Blog, short stories and poetry. I'm also a freelance writer and blogger.

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